(440) 892-1080
28099 Settlers Reserve Way, Westlake Ohio
Free In Home Service
Board Mounted Valances
Board Mounted Valances
Our Board Mounted Valances make your home look more alive and stylish than ever before by adding more dimension to the room and stylish sophistication.
Self lined, tailored valance
Made of three pieces, two side flaps and center flap
3” overlay band on the bottom hem
Hobbled valance with bands knotted below the bottom hem
Faux tied up hobbled roman shade look
Standard finished length of 18”
Scalloped valance with overlaid pleated pelmuts
Pelmuts are spaced approximately 20” apart
Pelmuts can be self or contrast lined
Empire style swag with pleats
Box pleats spaced approximately 14” apart
Bottom hem of pleats are approximately 2” shorter than the bottom hem of the swags
Deep set box pleats with a scalloped hem line
Pleats approximately 14” to 16” wide
Varies in finished length from 14” to 17” at the longest point.
Curved box pleated board-mounted valance
Box pleats approximately 15” wide
18” long point of finished length
Box Pleated valance with curved center hem and folded end cascades
Center box pleat will repeat approximately every 30”
Standard 42” cascade length
Single fold valance with 3” bottom skirt
Valance mimics look of raised roman shade
Standard length of 14”
Contemporary swag valance with cascades on either side
Print fabrics are seamed and matched. Solid and non-directional fabrics are railroaded for no seams.
15” center long point and 22” cascade long point
Standard box pleated valances with straight hem
Box pleats are approximately 12” wide
Varies in length from 14” to 25”
Corner pleated valance
Tailored look
Varies in length from 12” to 18”
Contemporary horizontal pleated valance
Similar look to a cornice covered with gathered fabric
Varies in length from 12” to 18”
Scalloped curved pleated board mounted valance with cascades
Curved pleats are approximately 12” wide
Standard side cascades at 36”
Box Pleated valance with straight center hem and folded end cascades
Center box pleat will repeat approximately every 30”
Standard 42” cascade length
Faux tied roman shade board mounted valance
Two 4” wide bands tie up the valance, giving a gathered look
Standard length of 30”, gathers up to approximately 12” short
Scalloped valance with four finger pleated accents
Four finger pleats approximately 20” apart
Finished length of 17”